Thursday, June 19, 2014

La la For Lana

Trending news this week: Lana Del Rey's Ultraviolence hit stands this Monday and without a doubt has a shot at the #1 spot. Like many other Lana fans, I'm one happy camper just about now. I remember being bored out of my mind one summer day two years ago listening to my Pandora radio and wanna take a guess at what song popped up? Ding ding ding! Born to die. At first I had no idea who or what I was listening to, but half way through the Lana's retro beats and angelic voice I asked myself: Who is this? From first listen I went 'La la For Lana.'

Two years later, after Lana's debut in 2012 it's time for some new, much wanted, tunes. But what makes Lana so irresistible? Is it the fact that she makes you want to Ride on a motorcycle for a living? Or is it the fact that her music makes you feel like you're living an episode of Mad Men? Whatever the case may be, with the way things are going for Ms. Del Rey it doesn't look like she's going anywhere anytime soon. (Thank God!)

So I ask you, what makes Lana so irresistible?

For me, Lana takes it away with her vintage look and sound. When I listen to her soft melodies of Ride I no longer feel like the same goody-to-shoe me. I hang onto this 'Live Fast. Die Young. Be Wild. Have Fun.' mentality of life. Which can be a really good thing sometimes. I never do anything crazy or anything I may regret or in that case something that could put me in jail. But, there's something about Lana's eccentric lyrics that take all those worries off my mind. Even if it's only for a short while, we should all be a little crazy from time to time. I'm not saying for you to get wasted, I'm not saying for you to be stupid, I'm saying let go of your insecurities, worries, and doubts and just focus on the Ride life has to offer you.

If Lana's music can make me feel so care free, I wonder how she makes her millions of fans feel? Should I dare mention she only has two albums!

Now that you know the trending news this week, I can now listen to Lana Del Rey's Ultraviolence for the 10th time this week!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Perfect Merman?

They say 95 percent of the ocean is undiscovered, which leads people, including me, to believe mermaids do exist. But has anyone ever thought about what they'd do when they actually found a mermaid? Will mermaids live up to our expectations of how our minds perceive them to be? The answers to these questions will forever be unknown to me, unless mankind finds a mermaid anytime soon (I highly doubt it). I also apply these questions to my personal life as well, for any situation life brings me I ask myself one thing: What would I do? The most current situation in which this question popped into my head was this past semester of college. (This situation also involved a boy...or merman, if you will) Unfortunately, the 18 years of preparing myself and telling myself how to handle my first relationship all went down the drain when I saw my 'perfect merman' was not so perfect after all. So I ask myself: What exactly would I do if I found my ideal merman? And if I did, will he live up to what I envisioned in my mind?

Much like the scientists who spend there entire lives looking for something that may or may not exist, I've spent the last 18 years of my life searching for that one special merman that could debunk every stereotype. Of course when you're younger and going through those awkward stages all you want to do is make a trip to the sea witch and ask-no!- beg her to make you beautiful. Which is pretty much how my middle school and high school years went for me, totally male-resistant. So I guess you could say I never really experienced any form of a relationship with the male species. But, that all changed when I entered my freshmen year of college.Yes that's right, I had finally found my perfect merman, who pushed all my doubts out the door! In some ways he really was a creature of the sea, always observing from a safe distance thinking maybe, just maybe, one day we could part of the same world. Fast forward through the constant hellos, smiles, and oh-so-famous 'You look really pretty today.' gestures and our worlds collided. For 53 days I had what I had been looking for. And what a perfect 53 days it was. However, like all to-great-to-be-true stories each have a falling out, and just like that; our worlds tore us apart.

Sadly, our worlds tore us apart before I could say goodbye. But one thing he should know is: no matter how short our relationship was I will always respect it. Our worlds may have shown us we weren't meant for each other, but the memories and feelings we had were true and I will forever honor that.

Now, five months later, I sometimes find myself thinking about those magical days I once shared with him. After all those years of trial and error I came across something I had been searching for my entire life. And once I had it, I lost it. All those years of thinking about the day I'd find my ideal merman, all those years of thinking about what I'd do and what I'd say to him, all those years creating these expectations that are impossible for one person to accomplish mean nothing now. If anything I learned no matter how hard you think about what life may throw at you, no matter how you handle it, and no matter if it lives up to your expectations nothing, absolutely nothing, will work out how you want it to, even if the situation involves the perfect merman.